I had a drs appointment on Tuesday, so I left work early and got home before it was dark. I usually get home after 6:30, and with the time change, it's pitch black outside, which is NOT good for outside time with Alex. All of the bugs are out.
Here's pictures of our 20 minutes outside before the mosquitos started biting ... daddy was inside making dinner, so I took all of these ... including the ones with me in them. :) We had a blast. Enjoy!
What a great find!
It's over 12 years old and in great shape!
Except for the yellow piece he's standing on ...
The previous owner made it,
but Santiago needed to sand and paint it
... so he added a few extras ...
Uncle Robby is into Karate,
while his wife was in Puerto Rico visting her mom,
he came over to dinner ... and taught Alex how to
"Hands up and kick!"
and this is what it looks like ...
Alex is even saying "Eeeyah!"
He loves his Uncle Robby!
Alex is standing on my chest,
giggling away!